To connect fiber artists across Interior Alaska and build community through practice, teaching and
learning in the arts of weaving, hand spinning, and related textile arts.
The Fairbanks Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild (FWSG) is a nonprofit educational organization formed to:
- Act as a conduit for information that contributes to the growth of knowledge in our heritage of weaving, spinning, textiles and fiber arts through meetings, fellowship and related activities.
- Sponsor and support educational events such as workshops, lectures, exhibits, demonstrations and the like that promote weaving, spinning, and fiber arts.
- Encourage improvement of our work through comparison and sharing of techniques.
- Promote interest in our weaving and spinning heritage among members of the community.
The current FWSG board was elected in the general membership meeting, held at Davis Hall April 19, 2023. The board members elect are:
- Kim Kortenhof (co-president)
- Becky Hammond (co-president)
- Kate Hedstrom (vice-president)
- Clara Noomah (secretary)
- Claire Spann (treasurer)
- Helen Howard
- Jasmine Johnson-Kennedy
- Annika Meyer
- Chris Waigl
Board meetings are taking place monthly, either on Zoom or in person at Davis Hall. For any questions or matter to be brought to the attention of the FWSG board, please email board@fairbanksweavers.org .
Our by-laws can be downloaded here.